Not very spooky


Here we are in late October, the leaves have changed colour and there is a frosty chill in the air. That’s when people want to see cute little ladybugs, right? I know it’s not very fitting with the season but I’m the type of guy that likes to finish what I start, so when the idea popped into my head halfway through the bee I felt the need to see it through to the end.

Overall, I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out. I have been messing around with using triangular grids for the models and tried to apply some of what I learned to this one. It’s probably most evident in the eyes which I’m sure people will agree look much better than the bees eyes which are a tad blocky.

I’m not sure how often I will use them in the future though as I find does significantly increase the polygon count, which also increases the amount of potential parts, which increases the amount of cuts and folds required. All of that is fine for me to do, I personally don’t mind the added complexity, but I am always thinking about other potential builders. I know not everyone wants something so “involved” especially if they’re just getting into papercraft so I always try and keep that in mind. I could always just be overthinking things though haha

Thanks for reading and happy crafting,

The Papercraftsman