About the Papercraftsman


Hi, I’m the Papercraftsman but you can call me Braden if you like because that’s my name! I am a Canadian artist and your typical nerd.

I first learned about papercraft models many years ago and fell in love with the hobby. Like most beginner paper crafters I began by making models created by other crafters, usually things from my favourite video games. Eventually, I gained a lot of experience with CAD (computer-aided design) and decided to try my hand at making my own models. It has been quite a learning experience and a lot of fun.

I started this website in the hopes of sharing my work. Ideally, I would like to make this into a career. However, if I can help introduce more people to this quirky fun hobby then that would be great too. If I ever do get to the point where Papercraft is paying my bills I plan to focus on raising money for charities and helping out those who need it. It’s hard to say if I will get to that point right now but for the moment I’m just trying to have fun with my art and keep moving forward.

My plans at the moment are making larger scale one-of-a-kind art pieces, putting more tutorial videos on my YouTube channel, possibly looking at streaming - although I’m not sure what yet, being more active on social media, as well as making many many many more models. That being said I am only one man and that’s a lot of things to do so I should probably get back at it haha

Thank you for taking an interest and visiting my website. Have a great day and happy crafting!

Braden Lutz, aka The Papercraftsman


If you feel the need to contact me for anything I am on several social platforms which are linked a the bottom of the page. Alternatively, you can send me an email at:
