Let's go Eevee!

After making the first three starters and Pikachu this model felt a little overdue. I had even been asked by several people “When are you going to make Eevee?” haha. Well, it’s finally here a super cute fluffy little Eevee model in a low-poly style.

I realize that it sounds like I begrudgingly made this model but I wanted to make it just as much as the people asking me wanted it haha. It was very fun to make as well. I just usually don’t make Pokemon and other video game characters unless I feel like there is something specific that they can help me practice.

The first three starters helped me practice making models of organic shapes in AutoCAD, which is what I was using at the time. The Zoomer was kind of a stress test of my new Cricut. The Octorok and Goomba helped me practice making things in Blender, which I am currently using. The Baby Metroid itself wasn’t a test but I did try out my editing skills with the reveal video I made. And Pikachu was a test of “how small can I make things without wanting to pull my hair out” haha

Eevee was no exception to this rule. As you can probably guess, I wanted to try out posing models. Specifically, if I could reliably do it without having to learn out to make rigging and skeletons in Blender as if I were going to make an animation. So far I think the answer to that is maybe a yes. For more complicated models it may become tedious the way I did it but I think I’m okay to put off learning that bit of Blender tech for the moment.

In a happy accident I ended up practicing two things with this model because I feel that I figured out how to make some fairly convincing fur with this model too. Initially I wasn’t planning on making Eevee look so fluffy - or floofy as I like to call it haha - but when it came to do the scruff of hair on its head I couldn’t really make it look good the way I usually do it. Eventually I thought of making it up of what are essentially small tetrahedrons jutting out from the surface and decided it might be worth trying out on Eevees neck floof too. Once I made the first prototype I decided that it needed more and revised the neck floof and added some to the tip of the tail to kind of tie it all together. The end result is a model that I am pretty happy with

I’m not really sure what my next gaming inspired model will be but I’m sure something will make it’s way into the creative section of my brain, especially now that Eevee isn’t bouncing around in there anymore haha

Thanks for reading and happycrafting!

The Papercraftsman