One of the original three starters, here is Charmander in a low poly form. A fan favourite and its final evolution, Charizard, is the mascot of Pokemon Red. Who can blame anyone for wanting a cute little salamander that breathes fire and grows up to be a dragon, how cool is that?

At 6” tall this model is roughly 1/4 the size of Charmander. With a lot of smaller details, this model is quite challenging. If you manage to persevere however the end result will surely make your friends and family exclaim “How did you do that?!?”

Download Parts

Download Instructions

Download DXF & SVG files

Download PNG files


  • L:7.18” x W:4.62” x H:6.25”

  • 6 pages required


  • Pages 1 -3 are the orange parts.

  • Page 4 is all the yellow parts

  • Pages 5 and 6 are the red parts

  • Tweezers highly recommended

  • Take your time with the hands, tail and feet.

  • Apply some clear extra drying glue around the seam between the flame and tail to strengthen it as it is very fragile otherwise.

Note: The above links are for the new revised version of the model with the added base. If you would like to make the old model without the base, the files are provided below. You can actually still use the video tutorial above until you get to the bottoms of the feet. You will need to refer to the old instructions to correctly put them together.

Download the old versions parts

Download the old versions instructions

Download the old versions DXF and SVG files

Disclaimer: Pokémon and its characters are copyright, trademarked, and owned by The Pokémon Company and/or Nintendo.  Braden Lutz and this website are in no way affiliated with either organization.